When is the right time to buy a second home?
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Let Us Guide You Home.

Need to Sell First?


Want vs. Needs

We listen to and understand our client's needs. Richard and his team consistently deliver above expectations. We love what we do and it shows in every aspect of our work.

Once you are ready you will meet with one of our experienced buyer specialists to determine your wants and needs for your home.



Finding your Home and the Winning Offer

After you are introduced to our mortgage partner we can determine your price range with confidence.

We will give you private tours and accompany you to open houses to homes that fit your wants and needs.

When you are ready to place an offer our team will present a strong offer package. Our goal is to win for our clients and we consistently are!



Going into Escrow

Congrats! Your offer was accepted.  From here the home goes through appraisal and inspection.  The appraisal guarantees the price matches the condition of the property and the inspection makes sure everything in the home is functioning properly with no major issues.

We are with you during each step and informing you along the way to make sure this process is smooth and as painless as possible.




Welcome Home! This is when we review closing documents, wire closing costs and down payment.  We transfer utilities and review our moving checklist.  Once the key is delivered it's time to celebrate!


Ready to find your dream home? Let us help you make that happen!

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